Weak, 2023

If you or someone you know is struggling, call or text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988. The Lifeline provides 24-hour, confidential support to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Remember, you’re not alone.

A 15-minute short film that explores the topic of mental health. Weak tells the story of a pair of friends, Audra (Katherine Castro) and Jen (Bridget Regan), who decide to go to a shooting range to “let off some steam.” 

Very straight to the point, from the first shot we are brought into their worlds – drastically different, but also the same. We see Audra visibly suffering from depression, unable to cope, and detached from life. In contrast, Jen seems to be living a picture-perfect life (if strangers or neighbors were to look into her day-to-day.) But as viewers, we can see that she is struggling with her mental health – ignored by her husband and son, while also having to deal with her husband’s hurtful words.

Katherine and Bridget do a really good job of portraying their characters – the internal struggles they individually go through, as well as the chemistry when they’re together. The idea of how no matter how close you are to someone, you never know what they’re going through. In terms of the acting from the other characters, at times it felt a little too exaggerated, but given the nature of the film and the topic explored, it worked well to further the story.  

Mental health – there isn’t that one look or re/action that can be used to tell if someone is suffering or in need of help. Everyone is different – the effects are never the same. It really just takes that one person who checks up on their friends or asks that one co-worker how they’re doing..

Asking for help is never weak. No matter how hard it may seem, take that first step.


Lisa Frankenstein, 2024


Reminiscence, 2021